
How eightolives' Trains Uses Cookies

"Cookies" are pieces of information that a web page can store on your viewing platform if you let it. Normally web browsers allow some cookies by default and may ask your permission to store other kinds of cookies. Settings or preferences for a browser may permit you to select the browser's cookie policies or prevent any use of cookies.

Eightolives Trains is categorized as a "Progressive Web App" which attempts to store two types of data on your platform.
  1. The first type is the program or web page itself. Allowing this lets you run the program with many but not all features when you are offline - not connected to the internet. This situation can occur if you are travelling in a vehicle, in a subway or don't have access to cellular data. When you allow the web page to be stored in cookies, updates will automatically be made when available.
  2. The second type is data unique to you, your location or your preferred use of the tool. Examples of this would be your "Home" location, if you wish to set it, or any schedules, stops or itineraries you have marked as "Favorites".

eightolives Trains will operate with reduced functionality when on-line if cookies are disabled.

For the best experience, you should have cookies enabled, you should allow storage of the web page on your platform and you should allow use of your geolocation data.